It's Time To Bring Festival Vibes To Our Everyday Lives

| July 22, 2016

In a world that is so hell-bent on destroying itself we need to remind ourselves to be true to our beliefs while respecting everyone else. At festivals, we try our best to spread nothing but positive vibes and good times, and it’s time we bring festival vibes to the real world. When we’re on our adult playground, if we see someone who needs help our first instinct is to help them. If we see someone alone we let them join our own festival squads. In our everyday lives, if we see someone alone or in need help we’re more likely to ignore them.

It is very rare for someone to look down upon another person at a festival. Festivals serve the purpose of bringing people together of all backgrounds and ethnicity's to escape the real world. While having a place of acceptance is amazing, we shouldn’t have to go to festivals for this kind of experience. When you see someone who’s alone, or struggling in their day to day to life you should offer them that same helpful hand. We’re all humans with feelings and problems and we’re all just struggling to get by every day, it’s important to be kind to everyone.

At festivals, no matter what race, religion, or culture you come from, everyone is united for the music. No one cares where you come from, we all just want to enjoy everything together. Why can’t we do that throughout our whole lives?

If you log on Facebook right now your news feed probably looks the same as mine, black lives matter, all lives matter, blue lives matter, and Pokémon Go (team instinct). Turn on the news and everything we see is negative. The world is not a pleasant place to be currently, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do everything that we can to try and make it a better place.

It's not uncommon for someone to wander away from their squad at an event to go to another stage or just to have a solo adventure. Even in a place where there’s hundreds of thousands of people, we feel safe enough to go off on our own, usually in minimal clothing, without even thinking twice about it. Would you feel comfortable doing that anywhere else? Chances are the answer is no. In festival culture, we compliment females for their bra tops or the confidence to wear booty shorts, but if you saw someone wearing a crop top on the street your first thought is usually a judgement of them.

It’s time to stop the judgement and the feelings of being unsafe everywhere we go. We can’t change the world overnight, but there’s no reason we can’t try. If you see someone alone, offer them a friend or if you see someone lost and struggling, offer them directions or help. If there’s a girl confident in her body throw her a compliment, not an insult and if you see someone being judgement offer them some guidance. Bring good vibes everywhere you go, and treat the world like one giant PLUR festival.


    Peace – It is a common belief among festival goers that violence is never the answer.

    Love – Acts and feelings of goodwill towards others.

    Unity – We are all humans and are united for happiness and serenity.

    Respect – A person shows consideration for others and the festival environment



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