SoundCloud Denies Decreasing Audio Quality Despite Users Claims

| January 04, 2018

Earlier today, the internet began to erupt over SoundCloud drama. Users began tweeting that the streaming service quality seemed off. 

Then NestHQ published an article saying that SoundCloud's streaming service changed bitrates from 128kbps to 64kbps.

However, SoundCloud reputed to Billboard that they did not decrease sound quality, but they did switch formats. They have changed from MP3 to OPUS. They said they did in fact change from 128 kbps MP3 to 64 kbps OPUS, claiming that OPUS format should be higher audio quality. 

But the music world hasn't quite bought it and the SoundCloud drama continues to unfold. Despite being the largest streaming service, they don't seem to have best rap sheet. Check out this popular tweet that sums up the SoundCloud history of drama. 


Our favorite artists even got involved. Alison Wonderland retweeted the one above, and even Ghastly responded with his two-cents.  



Dani Deahl seems to disagree with their claim that OPUS is higher quality, but on the flip side, there are also reports from OPUS developers claiming that lower bitrates shouldn't change the quality.


Whichever side you agree with is up to you, but if you are looking for an alternative to SoundCloud, have no fear because there are some other good options.

No matter what streaming service you use, iEDM Radio is available on them all!

Check out iEDM Radio's Mixcloud HERE!

Check out iEDM Radio's Podbean HERE

Check out iEDM Radio's Apple Podcast HERE



about the writer

Lacy Bursick

Lacy Bursick

Read More...Lacy Bursick is a Colorado resident who enjoys traveling, hula hooping and hiking with her dog.

She grew up in the Midwest and became passionate for the music scene doing concert photography and reviews while in college at Ball State University.

Her favorite festivals are Electric Forest and Hulaween because of all the interactive art and variety in music.

She loves everything from jam bands, deep house, to dubstep. You can find her at a Bassnectar show dancing with her friends.

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